Assemble your list of pages or domains to disavow in a text file that you will upload to Google. Link file format: Specify one URL or domain to disavow per line ...
Es fehlt: fabian. opi= 89978449 p= ws_settings_location&hl= de- US
Weitere Fragen
What does disavow links mean?
Disavow definition in SEO means to discard harmful links pointing to your site. If you believe your site's ranking is being damaged by low-quality links you do not control. You can ask Google not to take them into account when assessing your site by disavowing your backlinks.
How do I remove spam links?

What are the steps to remove bad backlinks?

Collect Your Backlink Data. The first step is to compile a list of all of the backlinks coming to your website from different sources. ...
Identify Bad Backlinks. ...
Remove Bad Backlinks. ...
Track and Monitor. ...
Disavow The Remaining Bad Backlinks.
How do you remove toxic links?
How to Remove Toxic Backlinks. After finding a toxic backlink you want to address, contact the referring domain to request that they remove it or add the appropriate “rel” attribute (e.g., rel="nofollow"). If that doesn't work, you may need to disavow the link (see below before taking any action).
How to check backlinks in Google Search Console?
Choose the "Links" option from the sidebar. Navigate to the "Top linking sites" report and Click "MORE". Here you can find the total number of external links pointing to your site. You can also check the list of linking domains.